Unlike traditional booking systems you decide when and who uses your service. Offer a Price you find suitable and Negotiate it with your Travelers.

Service Provider

How it Works:

  1. List your service
  2. Find service users through TBird
  3. Match or Negotiate asking price
  4. Confirm & Complete your service
  5. Get Paid

Boost Your Income

No more waiting for users to book Your Service.

Earn Income Whenever and Wherever.

Choose from three types of services (Accommodation, Transportation, Tour) you want to offer and reach millions of travelers looking for your service.

TBird allows you to offer Services at any time, so no Host is left without an income.

You call the shots

TBird gives you an ability to choose your Travelers based on their detailed profile, photos, and links to social media. You are in control of who receives your offers, time, and price of your service.

Negotiate & Bid

Unique negotiation and bidding system allows you to send multiple offers to many potential Travelers, so you are always in control of your bookings, prices, and income stream.

